I recently used PlanetTran to get home from Logan after a red-eye from California. PlanetTran is a car service that uses fuel-efficient Toyota Prius Hybrids rather than the usual Crown Vic or other gas guzzling de-commissioned cop cars. The service was great. I booked the trip online and was given an accurate estimate of $43 for the ride. This is almost exactly what I would have paid a cab but the experience was a lot nicer. The car and driver (the founder) were waiting for me right across the street from baggage claim. I chose to sit up front where I could get a good view of the Prius information console that displayed how the car was being powered (gas or battery). I was able to pay by credit card and the transaction was processed through a Dell Windows CE device that recorded my signature.
The founder says he has 4 cars and has a 5th on order. They have been going for about a year and business is picking up as people start hearing about the service.
I highly recommend PlanetTran and will use them again.
Well this blog certainly is not about accept card credit online. What the heck! I guess the internet can play some tricks on us sometimes. I have been on-line for two hours
researching accept card credit online and came tumbling across your blog. I LOVE IT! I needed a break from accept card credit online anyways :-) If you don't mind I want to add your
blog to my favorites list so I can come back later on and read some more stuff. Well I guess I should get back to researching accept card credit online.
Even though my search is not on PlanetTran I am glad I came across your blog. Keep blogging away!
I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding accept card credit online and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) Seth your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on accept card credit online was way off when compared to PlanetTran and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for accept card credit online for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at accept card credit online. You never know you may find some good deals!
I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding airline card credit and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) Seth your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on airline card credit was way off when compared to PlanetTran and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for airline card credit for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at airline card credit. You never know you may find some good deals!
I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding airline card credit and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) Seth your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on airline card credit was way off when compared to PlanetTran and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for airline card credit for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at airline card credit. You never know you may find some good deals!
Hi Seth your blog is really great! Wow :-) As I was out blog surfing and surfing the web for detailed info on 0 card credit interest I stumbled across your blog. Obviously my search landed me here and it is a little off subject compared to PlanetTran, but I am certainly glad I did come across your blog. Did I already tell you I like it! If you would not mind, I would like to add your link to my "favorites" page to come back and read again sometime. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about 0 card credit interest. Again, great blog and keep up the great work!
Hi Seth your blog is really great! Wow :-) As I was out blog surfing and surfing the web for detailed info on 0 card credit interest I stumbled across your blog. Obviously my search landed me here and it is a little off subject compared to PlanetTran, but I am certainly glad I did come across your blog. Did I already tell you I like it! If you would not mind, I would like to add your link to my "favorites" page to come back and read again sometime. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about 0 card credit interest. Again, great blog and keep up the great work!
Hey this blog is not about accept card credit online. Silly internet bringing me here :-) Funny I have been doing hours of research on accept card credit online and it brought me to your blog on PlanetTran. The web plays funny games sometimes. Anyways, I was reading your blog Seth and I think it is really cool. Keep up the great work.
If you do not mind I will snag your blog and put it in my favorites. I read a ton of stuff on here that interested me. Keep blogging away :-)
Well this blog certainly is not about card college credit student. What the heck! I guess the internet can play some tricks on us sometimes. I have been on-line for two hours
researching card college credit student and came tumbling across your blog. I LOVE IT! I needed a break from card college credit student anyways :-) If you don't mind I want to add your
blog to my favorites list so I can come back later on and read some more stuff. Well I guess I should get back to researching card college credit student.
Even though my search is not on PlanetTran I am glad I came across your blog. Keep blogging away!
Hi Seth your blog is really great! Wow :-) As I was out blog surfing and surfing the web for detailed info on att card credit universal I stumbled across your blog. Obviously my search landed me here and it is a little off subject compared to PlanetTran, but I am certainly glad I did come across your blog. Did I already tell you I like it! If you would not mind, I would like to add your link to my "favorites" page to come back and read again sometime. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about att card credit universal. Again, great blog and keep up the great work!
Hey this blog is not about 0 card credit interest. Silly internet bringing me here :-) Funny I have been doing hours of research on 0 card credit interest and it brought me to your blog on PlanetTran. The web plays funny games sometimes. Anyways, I was reading your blog Seth and I think it is really cool. Keep up the great work.
If you do not mind I will snag your blog and put it in my favorites. I read a ton of stuff on here that interested me. Keep blogging away :-)
I love your blog Seth. How long has it been on-line? Reason I ask is I am doing a ton of work in the area of card credit guaranteed and will probably end up starting a blog of my own. Funny how the internet brought me here when I was doing searches on card credit guaranteed. Oh well, I am glad it did. Keep up the great blogging and I am sure I will visit PlanetTran again!!
Well this blog certainly is not about 0 card credit interest. What the heck! I guess the internet can play some tricks on us sometimes. I have been on-line for two hours
researching 0 card credit interest and came tumbling across your blog. I LOVE IT! I needed a break from 0 card credit interest anyways :-) If you don't mind I want to add your
blog to my favorites list so I can come back later on and read some more stuff. Well I guess I should get back to researching 0 card credit interest.
Even though my search is not on PlanetTran I am glad I came across your blog. Keep blogging away!
All I can say is WOW Seth. The other half and I just got back from our friends house (well her friends house) and I needed a huge break. I am working on a project right now that is based on att card credit universal. I have literally been on-line for 2-3 hours doing research. Even though PlanetTran really isn’t on the same page as att card credit universal I am certainly glad I came across your blog. There are a ton of great view points on this blog. Well I think I can here the kids screaming in the background. I put you in my internet favorites and I will certainly come back and visit. If you want to take a peek at my site you can find me here at att card credit universal. I update my site very frequently. Again, great job blogging and I will be back again soon!
Hey Seth. Very nice blog :0) I just got inside from washing and waxing my truck. It is my baby. Took me 2 hours though. So I settled down into my basement and started doing some web surfing. Anyways I am in the process of grabbing my masters degree and have spent the last 6 months researching 0 card credit interest. In the midst of my surfing I landed smack dab in the middle of your blog. I hope you do not think I am intruding but I must say it is great blog. Even though PlanetTran is way off base from 0 card credit interest I found myself cruising through your blog archives for the last half hour :0) You have some nice blogging friends. Anyways, I need to get back to my mission. I wrote don’t your url and feel free to visit me here at 0 card credit interest. I am so busy so I can only update my site monthly. Keep up the great work.
Hi Seth your blog is really great! Wow :-) As I was out blog surfing and surfing the web for detailed info on airline card credit I stumbled across your blog. Obviously my search landed me here and it is a little off subject compared to PlanetTran, but I am certainly glad I did come across your blog. Did I already tell you I like it! If you would not mind, I would like to add your link to my "favorites" page to come back and read again sometime. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about airline card credit. Again, great blog and keep up the great work!
Hi Seth your blog is really great! Wow :-) As I was out blog surfing and surfing the web for detailed info on 0 card credit interest I stumbled across your blog. Obviously my search landed me here and it is a little off subject compared to PlanetTran, but I am certainly glad I did come across your blog. Did I already tell you I like it! If you would not mind, I would like to add your link to my "favorites" page to come back and read again sometime. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about 0 card credit interest. Again, great blog and keep up the great work!
All I can say is WOW Seth. The other half and I just got back from our friends house (well her friends house) and I needed a huge break. I am working on a project right now that is based on card credit debt statistics teen. I have literally been on-line for 2-3 hours doing research. Even though PlanetTran really isn’t on the same page as card credit debt statistics teen I am certainly glad I came across your blog. There are a ton of great view points on this blog. Well I think I can here the kids screaming in the background. I put you in my internet favorites and I will certainly come back and visit. If you want to take a peek at my site you can find me here at card credit debt statistics teen. I update my site very frequently. Again, great job blogging and I will be back again soon!
Hi Seth, you have a nice blog. Glad to see it. Today I was out blog surfing looking for detailed info on accept credit card online when I found your page. Your site describing PlanetTran is not an exact match but it did catch my interest. I am going to add you to my favorite list of blogs for future reading and reference. Should you ever need information on accept credit card online then drop by the site above and check it out.
Hi there Seth, a real useful blog. Can you believe it? When blog surfing for detailed info on credit card debt management I ended up on your page. Obviously your site is not exactly what I was searching for, but your site caught my interest. Just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for credit card debt management. Should the need ever arise where you need information on credit card debt management then drop by for a look.
Hi Seth...Wow! While I was searching for info on small business credit card I somehow found your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by for a read. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for small business credit card. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about small business credit card.
Hi Seth, your blog is excellent. As I was surfing around today looking for detailed info on fleet credit card I somehow ended up on your page. As your PlanetTran is not exactly related to my search, I am certainly glad I stopped by. Oh well, back to surfing and I am sure I will find what I am looking for, and should you ever need information about fleet credit card, then stop by for a look. Thanks for the post.
Hi Seth...Wow! While I was searching for info on att universal credit card I somehow found your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by for a read. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for att universal credit card. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about att universal credit card.
Hi Seth, I was out blog surfing looking for some info on att universal credit card when I ended up on your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but your topic caught my eye. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for att universal credit card. I am going to
bookmark your site for future reference and reading. Should you ever need it, you can get specific information about att universal credit card at the site above.
Hi Seth, your blog is excellent. As I was surfing around today looking for detailed info on airline credit card I somehow ended up on your page. As your PlanetTran is not exactly related to my search, I am certainly glad I stopped by. Oh well, back to surfing and I am sure I will find what I am looking for, and should you ever need information about airline credit card, then stop by for a look. Thanks for the post.
Hi Seth, I was out blog surfing looking for some info on 0 interest credit card when I ended up on your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but your topic caught my eye. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for 0 interest credit card. I am going to
bookmark your site for future reference and reading. Should you ever need it, you can get specific information about 0 interest credit card at the site above.
Hi Seth, I found your blog informative. While out blog surfing today for specific info on small business credit card, I ended up on your page. Your site shows that I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by. I will bookmark your site for a future visit, and should you ever need it, there is plenty of information on this site about small business credit card.
Hi Seth, I found your blog informative. While out blog surfing today for specific info on credit card debt management, I ended up on your page. Your site shows that I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by. I will bookmark your site for a future visit, and should you ever need it, there is plenty of information on this site about credit card debt management.
Hi there Seth, a real useful blog. Can you believe it? When blog surfing for detailed info on 0 interest credit card I ended up on your page. Obviously your site is not exactly what I was searching for, but your site caught my interest. Just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for 0 interest credit card. Should the need ever arise where you need information on 0 interest credit card then drop by for a look.
Hi Seth, I was out blog surfing looking for some info on small business credit card when I ended up on your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but your topic caught my eye. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your blog...now to move on and continue my search for small business credit card. I am going to
bookmark your site for future reference and reading. Should you ever need it, you can get specific information about small business credit card at the site above.
Hi Seth, I found your blog informative. While out blog surfing today for specific info on fleet credit card, I ended up on your page. Your site shows that I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by. I will bookmark your site for a future visit, and should you ever need it, there is plenty of information on this site about fleet credit card.
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